Dear friends….
1.Today i am saying about my hair care secret timetable…
This is my hair care method… i am followed many years… so now talk with you…
2.The all tips and packs i am apply this method its simple and result oriented…
3.Now i am saying about my hair care method..
4.Who want to follow my routine follow regular basis get result…
5.All peoples first clean scalp and hair then come 6 day routine…
If not clear the first 3 days applying a tip use another 3 day other tips then clean scalp
6The routine only six days.. after 6 day start next 6 day routine
DAY 1 :
Detangle hair proper way… Then touch up oiling scalp & hair wait 5 minutes (use less amount in scalp and more oil in hair this oiling prevent dryness after head bath)
(Use your oil… regular use oil do not change…) my hair oil is not compulsory
I am not change my hair oil last 12 years…
Aplay any of this tips in scalp..
1.soaked Fenugreek water.
2.soaked ladies finger water.
3.boiled neem water.
4.boiled guava leaf water.
5.onion juice.
6.tulsi juice.
7.ginger juice.
8.moringa leaf juice.
This all tips not available in your area.. no issue use possible tips…
This all tips not sutable for all peoples so check sutable tips use that tips..
After using this tip wait 5 to 15 minute and wash
Do not use shampoo i am not support to using shampoo if compulsory use baby shampoo little amount diluted
This all tips support clean scalp… reduced dandruff…clear scalp related issues and support to open the closed hair follicles…regrow small hair
DAY 2 :
Detangle hair proper way… Then touch up oiling scalp & hair (use less amount in scalp and more oil in hair this oiling prevent dryness after head bath)
After using this tip wait 5 to 15 minute and wash
Do not use shampoo if compulsory use baby shampoo little amount diluted
I am not supported to shampoo use
Use the same tip Day 1 you used
DAY 3 :
Detangle hair proper way… Then touch up oiling scalp & hair (use less amount in scalp and more oil in hair this oiling prevent dryness after head bath)
After using this tip wait 5 to 15 minute and wash
Do not use shampoo… if compulsory use baby shampoo little amount diluted
Use the same tip Day 1, 2 you used
If clear the dandruff and other impurities
Follow 4th day routine . if not clear then use the same 3 day routine until clean and dandruff free scalp and hair
If your hair was strong use onion juice 3 days
Not strong hair use fenugreek water or ginger juice 3 days
Then use moringa leaf juice 3 days clear scalp and hair
After clear all this impurities and dandruff
DAY 4:
Detangle hair proper way… Then touch up oiling scalp & hair (use less amount in scalp and more oil in hair this oiling prevent dryness after head bath)
After using any of the pack wait 5 to 15 minute and wash
I am not use shampoo and support using daily basis
if compulsory use baby shampoo little amount diluted
Use any of my packs
Available packs use
*Soaked fenugreek seed with coconut milk
*Soaked fenugreek with alovera
*hibiscus leaf 10, hibiscus flower 4, betal leaf 5, tulsi 10 leaf grinded well and use it
*egg mask
*fenugreek with hibiscus flowers
* ladies finger paste
*Moringa leaf with coconut milk pack
You can use use any possible packs
We use this packs for nourish scalp
Retain hair texture.. after applying pack hair become smooth..and shiny..get good health for hair ( do not use shampoo I am not supported using shampoo if compulsory use baby shampoo)
DAY 5:
Use more amount oil in scalp and hair
Wait 5 to 20 minute as your body type
Compulsory Wash with shampoo…
Shampoo take sufficient amount dilute with water 5 times and use it do not use shampoo bottom of the hair that may be reason for split end’s
This oiling is we used for clean all impurities come in one week we must use natural shampoo thats better and not dry after use
DAY 6 :
Detangle hair proper way… Then touch up oiling scalp & hair (use less amount in scalp and more oil in hair this oiling prevent dryness after headbath)
Wait 20 minute and wash with normal water
I am not use shampoo( if compulsory use baby shampoo little amount diluted
I am not supported)
This for smoothen hair and scalp we used yesturday shampoo so the scalp and hair become dry so this support to prevent hair damage
This is my hair care time table…
No one say their routine… but i will say.
I am support you who are put effort to care their hair…
Follow this routine for external hair care…
Drink proper water…
YOU BODY WEIGHT 20:1 ratio
if 50 kg drink 2.5 litter water
Get your losted hair…
Then maintain good hair….
Follow every one for maintain healthy hair…..
Thank you