Skin care lip at home yourself, using a nourishing mask for lips is one of the answers: how to prevent early wrinkles on the face. Definitely, one of the main elements of an attractive woman is the beautiful and sensitive lips. Therefore, women are paying priority attention to the care of the skin of the lips. Lip skin does not excrete fat and it tends to quick drying, so it is very thin and vulnerable. Our lips do not have sebaceous glands, and therefore the lip skin faster than the other organs of the body is experiencing a shortage of moisture. All year round the skin of our lips is exposed to constant “attack” of the environment – in the summer open lips UV, cold winter, etc., and therefore, our lips are in need of proper care, such as all sorts of masks, massages, creams and other cosmetics… Today it will be about a very simple nourishing mask for lips that any woman can make yourself at home. All we need is a regular nourishing cream (for our skin type), which we use daily skin care and usual vaseline. Now, in the video: I am doing skin care lip myself, using a simple nourishing mask for lips.
– Regular caring for the skin of the lips – moisturizing and nourishing mask for the care of lip skin at home…