How to Remove Dark Circles In the most effective way
Everyday Eye Care Habits
Best Everyday Eye Care Routine
5 Mins DAY & NIGHT Eye care Routine
Eyes are the most delicate and beautiful feature of our personality. But sometimes due to lack of care and knowledge, we often see that the eyes are always the ones to get aging signs first.
This is because under-eye skin is very thin and mostly inactive. You must have noticed a few people at age of 40 have beautiful skin around the eyes, which is because of good routine and awareness. We should start an eye routine at a very early age as early as 20. Let’s talk about 3 basic things in our everyday routine, so that our eyes can stay healthy and look beautiful.
1. Moisturise
Dry eye skin gets wrinkles very fast. It is very important to have an eye cream for your everyday routine, to nourish your skin. Apply eye cream twice a day. To apply eye cream use your ring finger, Scoop up a pea-sized amount of product. Gently tap small dots under your eyes, from the outer corners of the eyes inwards. Avoid applying cream too close to your bottom eyelashes. Gently massage the skin around your eyes to improve circulation and reduce puffiness. Wait 2 minutes before applying other products to let the cream fully absorb. If you don’t want to use eye cream, use Almond oil. It is very effective in preventing eye wrinkles and clearing dark circles.
2. Exercise
Just like other muscles of our body, eye muscles also need strengthening. Don’t forget to do eye exercise every day for 5 minutes. These are some really useful eye exercises everyone can do at home without any expenses. Eye exercises can be done anytime in the day. Please wash your hands before starting eye exercises so that you don’t get pimples on the face due to bacterias on your hands.
And last but not least is Water
Hydration is important for healthy-looking eyes. Some people have puffy eyes problem in the morning, that is because of less water in your body. Drink a lot of water and the skin around your eyes will look radiant all day long.
Take care of these little things and flaunt your beautiful eyes.