Hello and welcome to my channel
My name is Leila, today we are going to be
Applying a protein Hydrating mask to my daughter’s hair
If you are interested in a quick DIY mask then please stay tuned.
For this protein mask you will need three ingredients
Mayo (your choice of course) I am using a great value brand
1 egg
1 tablespoon of honey
3 pumps of conditioner (for moisture and also you can use your oil of choice example olive or coconut)
Combine your ingredients together and mix well until it is liquid
Before applying the hair make sure to separate the into section
Start by applying the mask on the ends , work your way to the top of the head
*DO NOT START AT THE ROOTS* you risk clogging the hair follicles!
This mask is perfect for dry and brittle hair, it will help strengthen the hair by bring back moisture and also promote hair growth and the best part is that you can find most of these products at home.
#curlyhairvideo #hydratingmaskforhair #kidhairvideo
Music : slip.stream.com Firefly and roll the dice