This video is an edit that contains positive
helpful affirmations layered with soothing brown noise. I do not provide any medical treatments or advices, I leave such practices to professional health advisors,These videos target users who use & engage in daily affirmations & related contents & topics. Anyone who doesn’t use daily affirmations I kindly ask for your consideration for those who practice daily affirmations, please note that my content is not a substitute for any medical treatment, nor does it offer any form of guarantee.
Again this video content is uploaded only for positive uplifting daily affirmations purposes only. no promises nor guarantees are made about this video.

Best Regards

This video contains hidden VISUAL subliminal messages
This sub is extremely detailed and powerful so use only a few times a day

You’ll see immediate results due to this new formula (RDX Formula) I made for completely stubborn/doubtful minds (this is not forced) the affirmations are used in a way to ensure you fast and noticeable results this new technique had given me, family and friends immediate results so if you really want HEALTHY THICK & LONGER HAIR use this 🌻

~This is made by my original Formula entirely made by me to ensure fast desired results only~

Results are visible in just ONE listen ✨

This sub contains 3 different layers each layer targets your subconscious mind to give you absolute fast desired Results,

It’s slightly sped up & understandable ✨
Layered by different voices✨
Each voice is extremely clear and realistic ✨

*Healthy Clean Scalp.
*Perfect Scalp pH balance.
*Rapid Hair Growth
*Limitless Hair Growth. (your hair keeps growing)
*Longer Hair
*Thicker Hair.
*Extremely Shiny Hair
*Manageable Hair (Free from any tangles)
*Thick Long Baby Hair
*Full Hairline
*Soft Silky Hair
*Immune To Greying
*Immune to Dandruff
*Ideal Hair (texture/length/pattern etc)
*Desired Hair Color
*Most Beautiful Hair In The World
POC can use 💕
Suitable for all ages🤗

****Contains different layers with different affirmation style and speed to give all desired results.

Desired Results Only ✨

please comment your results below 👇

picture results will get a custom made subliminal with your name ✨

my subs are 100% safe
no God/universe
unisex unless stated otherwise
can be used by anyone at any age
I use positive words Only
all my subs encourages healthy self love 💕
I take suggestions 💕💕💕
#attraction #subliminal #attractive #loa #subliminals #carbon #cute #lawofattraction #lawofassumption #subliminalaffirmations


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