Anal fissure treatment for faster anal fissure healing and relieving anal pain with bowel movements presented by Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Michelle Kenway from
Anal Fissure Treatment Timestamps
1:00 Anal fissure picture
1:02 What is anal fissure
1:08 Anal fissure causes
1:18 Anal fissure symptoms
2:08 Bowel emptying position for fissure
2:55 Bowel emptying technique for anal fissure
6:05 Stool softeners for anal fissure
7:21 Diet for anal fissure
9:58 Summary anal fissure treatment
Anal fissure is a split in the soft skin inside the anus. Causes of anal fissure include overstretching anal skin during straining with constipation or diarrhoea. Muscle spasm can also develop with chronic anal fissure which slows the blood supply to the area that’s essential for healing.
Anal fissure symptoms include intense anal pain with bowel movements and up to 2 hours after bowel emptying. Anal fissure symptoms include splitting, burning or tearing sensation during bowel emptying when the stool passes over the anal fissure.
The split anal skin re opens delaying fissure healing and causing anal pain, especially with hard lumpy stools and straining with constipation.
Bowel Emptying for Anal Fissure Healing and Pain Relief
*Avoid straining or pushing down through the anus with bowel emptying
*Go to the bathroom with the urge to empty the bowel
*Sit tall, feet wide apart and flat on the floor
*Lean forward keeping the normal curve in the lower back
*Take 5 deep belly breaths for pelvic floor relaxation
*Say ‘MMM’ to make the waist wide for pushing
*Say ‘OOO’ to bulge the belly and relax the anal sphincter
*Gently wash with water or use moist towelette
*Warm baths or sitz baths can relieve anal pain after bowel movements
Stool Softening for Anal Fissure Healing and Pain Relief
1. Stool Softener Medication
Anal fissure healing requires a soft, smooth stool Type 4 Bristol Stool Scale.
Stool softeners (mild laxatives) are available over the counter from the pharmacy. Check with the pharmacist prior to taking these medications. Stool softeners are often indicated until the anal fissure has fully healed and include:
*Coloxyl (Colace)
*Osmotic laxatives ie polyethylene glycol eg Movicol or Miralax
2. Diet for Anal Fissure
Diet for anal fissure aims to achieve a soft well-formed stool that is not bulky and avoid constipation.
Avoid increasing high insoluble fiber content foods which make the stool large and cause bloating e.g. skins, seeds, whole grains with constipation (2). Increase foods with high soluble (dissolvable) fibre for anal fissure healing e.g oatmeal, pear, apple (no skins).
Gradually introduce more insoluble fiber into the diet when the stool is moving well and constipation has ceased.
#analfissuretreatment #analfissurehealing #physiotherapy
Image anal fissure Bernardo Gui, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
2. Ho, K. S., Tan, C. Y., Mohd Daud, M. A., & Seow-Choen, F. (2012). Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms. World journal of gastroenterology, 18(33), 4593–4596.
Video editing Jonah Bobongie
Music That Kid Goran licensed user
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