Products for LOW Porosity Hair | curly hair porosity | Porosity Test | Lopo Hair

Mysterious secret they don’t want you to know 🤫

Why it’s mysterious? Because you will never be able to find your hair porosity😁 baithe raho pani ka glass leke 😁

➡️ What is hair porosity: Determines how porous hair strand is. Our hair strands have cuticles as outer covering that looks like scales. Those cuticles limit interaction of water and hair – does not let it in. So healthy cuticles will always try to prevent moisture/water from getting in. This is why healthy hair is HYDROPHOBIC – healthy hair hates water and will not let it in. HENCE HEALTHY HAIR IS NON-POROUS THUS LOW POROSITY.

WHAT IS LOW POROSITY- Low porosity is healthy hair because cuticles are so well intact that they repel water.
No wonder 99% people always tell me – I have low porosity hair what do to? Celebrate may be! 🤩😉

WHAT IS HIGH POROSITY HAIR? Hair that has lost/damaged/withered most of its cuticles. There is very less protection left hence water enters and evaporates easily. Now this is damaged hair not low porosity hair. Higher porosity happens with age of hair strand, damage from UV/bleach/heat/colour/relaxing treatments. Very few have naturally high po hair.

HOW TO DETERMINE POROSITY- under a microscope by an expert. However there is no as such need since porosity increased from roots (newer hair) to tips (old hair) even for non-coloured hair like mine. That’s why my ends are so discoloured and dry all the time!

THEN WHY BUILD UP – mostly people confuse between fine hair (thin hair strand) and low porosity. Fine hair is quite prone to buildup and limping because its so fine – gets overly soft easily too.

Finding products and solutions for low porosity hair is like finding products and solutions for healthy hair. Really? I don’t see that as a problem 😅

PS – I dont know my hair porosity. Its been 7 years and never has this lack of information created any problem 🥲♥️ I hope I simplified life a little bit for you today. Finding products according to porosity only wastes time, effort and a lot of money with mostly disappointments.


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