Men's Dress Socks Guide – Sock Quality Hallmarks & Etiquette

All you need to know about Men’s Dress Socks –

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During the 17th century, socks became affordable for regular families but of course, they could only afford the rough, homespun yarn, woolen socks whereas the aristocracy would have fine silk or cotton socks.

Socks started to be knitted on machines. First, socks were actually knitted on a machine that was flat, once the knitting process was finished, it was put onto a wooden foam such as here then it was sewn together and that’s why you sometimes see these seams in the back of socks in old movies because it was purely functional. In fact, the Cri de la Soie knit ties we offer from Fort Belvedere are knitted on old sock machines that were repurposed to be used with silk and so you create these knit ties. Over time, somebody had the idea to create a round knitting machine so socks wouldn’t have the seam that could be uncomfortable. Initially, it only had 72 needles but over time, machines got more and more refined and today, the finest machines have 280 needles, this results into an extremely fine sock and when you use yarns like silk and cotton, you get this sheer look that is one of a kind and simply the finest sock in the world. If you’re into this kind of stuff or if you want a nice black tie sock, you can check it out in our shop here.

One, it’s really important that your dress sock stays up at all times. The number one reason for a sock to stay up is its length. It simply needs to be over the calf. If it’s like mid-calf or a little shorter or ankle length or even shorter, it simply won;t work and will slide down.

The other aspect you want to pay attention to is the elastic. You want it to be long and not just slim because otherwise, it may constrict your blood flow and wear uncomfortably. It also helps to avoid all kinds of gimmicks such as sock suspenders or braces.

It’s important to go with natural fibers, ideally, hundred percent natural fiber blends such as cotton, wool, silk or cashmere, simply because these fibers absorb moisture more than nylon or any other artificial fibers and they make you sweat less. A high-quality material also feels very comfortable on your skin and it will last for a while. In areas such as the elastic on top, you need artificial materials because there’s just no elastic natural material that would work well. Also, in your heel, where socks wear the most, you want some elastic material as well as in the toe area. Other than that, stay clear of blended socks.

If you have a foot in size 6, you’ll need a different sock than somebody who has size 13, that’s simply unavoidable,therefore, when you buy over the calf socks, it is important that you get the size that is made for your foot. Most men aren’t even aware that you can buy socks in several sizes but once you’ve worn a pair that is actually the right size of your foot, you never go back. That is why we offer 4 sizes at Fort Belvedere that cover 98% of all men.

A dress sock is meant to be worn with suits, combinations, tuxedos or white tie outfits and as such, you want it to be elegant and thin. You don’t want a hand knit sock that’s very thick and rough that may be great for casual events or in cold winters . For a suit, you want a thin, elegant material, that means, it was knitted in a machine with a high number of needles such as 200 needles, 240 and 280.

As a general rule, you’d always match them to your pants or your trousers. Never to your shoe. That’s just the main, basic rule but beyond that, there are a lot more ways that you can match your socks and a proper way.

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