Are you a morning person or nahh?
There is something about sunny mornings that just speak to my soul…
It definitley makes the mornings more special especially with the sun starting to rise earlier
A few things I like to do when I wake up:
– Stretch, most the time whilst still in bed
– Gratitude Journaling, starts the day from a positive perspective
– Hygiene/Shower, usually i’m straight into the bathroom for my full body hygiene routine. Makes me feel fresh & ready for the day
– Breakfast, I usually have a bottle of water, hot beverage and a light breakfast
– Flowers, if it’s a flower day, i’d usually buy them the night before as something to look forward to in the morning
I love to take it easy first thing since i’ve been slowing down a lot more lately. I think that’s mainly because it’s been too cold …
Having a simple morning routine & setting your alarm 15-30 mins earlier so you can do something that makes you happy is a great way to help make mornings something to look forward to
If your the type of person that struggles with keeping up with self-care then comment ‘check’ for my free daily self-care checklist
Otherwise, let me know what country you’re watching from and what time the sun rises where you are?
#selfcare #selfcareroutine #selfcaretips #mornings #morningroutine #showerroutine #freshflowers #wellness #healthyhabits #wellnessgirls #selfcaregirls #slowmornings
[Self care, self-care, self care routine, self care tips, morning routine, mornings, early mornings, slow mornings, wellness, habits, healthy habits, healthy lifestyle, simple routine]