Dark inner thighs are a common complaint. Remember that slight darkening is normal but if there is significant difference in colour between the inner thighs and front of thigh or there is thickening of skin along with darkening, then you can do the things mentioned.
Here are a few things to know.
Causes :
Friction & Chaffing: rubbing of two surfaces can cause trapping of sweat making the area moist. There can also be redness, irritation and itching which can heal with darkness.
Hormonal disturbances : PCOS and Acanthosis nigricans can cause darkening in inner thighs. If there is darkening and thickening of skin in other body folds such as neck and underarms, we have to rule out Acanthosis nigricans.
Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation after fungal infection: fungal infection with dermatophytes are common in the groin area. When the fungal infection resolves, it leaves behind dark spots.
How to reduce ?
Losing weight can help in reducing the rubbing to two thigh surfaces
Wear loose cotton clothing and avoid tight denims. Tightens fitted thick fabric can make friction induced injury worse
Avoid physical scrubs as they may give temporary relief but worsen the condition in the long run.
avoid waxing as application of hot wax followed by injury while pulling the strip can make darkening worse.
Moisturiser twice a day. Use a thick moisturiser or one containing lactic acid. Lactic acid cause gentle exfoliation while moisturising effectively. This reduces friction between two surfaces.
Glycolic acid based creams can be used once or twice a week. Apply this over a layer of moisturiser at night. Wear loose cotton clothing to sleep so that the cream is not rubbed off.
Do not use glycolic acid creams if there is redness or irritation in the area. Let the area heal first otherwise glycolic acid will irritate further.
Please consult your dermatologist if there is prominent thickening of the skin along with darkening or if the area is not improving with creams.
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