My night skin care routine-no wrinkles no dry only glass skin #winter#skintightening#jeewanbeautytips
Today’s video is all about my Skincare tips and tricks, I hope this video helps you, let me know in the comments below if it did! Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to my channel and I’ll see you in my next video 🙂
In winters Skin tends to get dry and flaky, But if you take care of your skin well, it gets bright and glowing even in winters. Follow my morning and night time winter skin care regime to get super bright glowing skin in winters.
I cleanse my face with my homemade cleanser. Then i apple face pack and after that i massage my face with facial oil. That’s it. This is a very good winter skin care regime and it suits all skin types. Follow it to get bright and glowing skin in winters.
अगर सर्दिओ में आप की स्किन रूखी सुखी जा चेहरे पर कालापन आ गया है तो आज से हे सोने से पहले आज से हे यह 2 काम करने शुरु कर दे | आप का चेहरा इतना ग्लो करेगा की सब देखते रह जायेगे| इस फेस पैक को लगने से चेहरे पर इतनी चमक आएगी की और किसी क्रीम की जरुरत नहीं पड़ेगी|
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