Celebrity Favourite Ice Dip Facial #sowbaraniyaramesh #skincare

In recent times, dipping one’s face in ice water, also known as ice water facial, has gained significant popularity. When you use ice water as a face wash, the low temperature causes the capillaries to constrict. This constriction helps decrease puffiness, redness and swelling, leaving your skin looking refreshed and rejuvenated.

HOW TO – Fill a bowl with cold water. You can add ice cubes to make the water colder, but make sure not to make it too icy. You want the water to be comfortably cold but not painfully freezing. Carefully dip your clean face into the cold water, ensuring that your entire face is submerged. You can choose to immerse your entire face or focus on specific areas such as cheeks, forehead, or chin. Hold your face in the water for about 10 to 30 seconds at a time and repeat 4-5 times. If you feel like you are getting a brain freeze or a headache then stop immediately. Also avoid this practice in cold winter months.

#beauty #beautyhacks #icedipfacial #celebrityskincare


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